LadiesMarch is a women’s football media platform that amplifies the voices of African football heroines who are mostly marginalized.
Covering womens football from Algeria to Zimbabwe has been a dream and a journey that we have kept alive since 2014, when as a group of young women in Nigeria, we expanded our work from freelance radio broadcasters, to the digital women’s football pioneers.
Since then, we have been globally recognized as Africa’s pioneer of modern reportage of the women’s game in Africa. These would not have been achieved without the five women who had the vision and this vision has grown into having dozens of volunteer contributors, inclusive of women and male allies, who are passionate about the game.
Off the pitch, LadiesMarch seeks to advance the game in aspects of philanthropy, community outreach, advocacy and provision of equal opportunities.
We are open to sponsorships and investment that will spur and add to the growth of Africa’s most popular and profitable sport.